Monitrice Services

A monitrice offers everything that a doula offers, plus a few additional and very helpful extra tools that can give you furthered information on your labor progress. Providing similar services to a doula, a monitrice offers pre-labor preparation, she will be an advocate and helpful communicator for you during labor, and will offer labor support in your preferred birthing place be it at home, a birth-center or a hospital. With varied comfort measures, natural techniques, and many more tools you will be given full (non-medical) labor support to help you have an over-all empowering experience. In addition to these great comfort measures, a monitrice offers a few extra services that may give you more information. Such services include the non-medical interpretation of vaginal exams to help you assess cervical progress near the end of pregnancy or during labor at home. She may listen to fetal-heart tones with a hand-held doppler for you to hear, and she may check your blood pressure and pulse with a home-device blood pressure cuff. A monitrice is not a medical health-care provider and therefore cannot "medically interpret" any of the findings from these services. However, you may see, hear and take note of these varying pieces of information to help you in deciding when to go into the birth-center or hospital, or when to call the midwife or doctor. Postpartum support in the form of phone, email contact and one in-person visit (if desired) will be offered as well.

Monitrice Package, $800

  • Free consultation
  • 2 Prenatal visits, for creating the birth plan, education, and more
  • Unlimited phone and email support
  • 24/7 on-call from 37 weeks gestation on 
  • Access to the Empowered Birth library
  • Non-medically interpreted vaginal exams near the end of pregnancy, if desired.
  • Labor support during active labor, including non-medical interpretation of vaginal exams, fetal heart-tones with the hand-held doppler, blood pressure, pulse, and more. This information will not be medically interpreted by myself or any of my affiliates, but will be for your own personal information.
  • Immediate postpartum emotional support and breastfeeding help, if desired.
  • Postpartum support through phone, email and one in-person visit if desired